Episode 12 with Bev Cooks
The newest ep of the Fit Bottomed Girls podcast is ready to download/stream now!
Bev “Bev Cooks” Weidner is the creator of a popular blog that covers everything from DIY to recipes to “wine talk” and a few rockin’ playlists to make your life so much more colorful and fun. The Arkansas native is now living quite the amazing life in Kansas City with her husband and two kids and we were lucky to get a chance to chat with her for today’s show.
Topics we covered in our discussion:
Be sure to follow Bev Cooks on Twitter @bevcooks Instagram Pinterest and Facebook.
Plus, Erin joins us for her first time on the podcast!
Fit Bottomed Girls www.fitbottomedgirls.com
Fit Bottomed Mamas www.fitbottomedmamas.com
Fit Bottomed Zen www.fitbottomedzen.com
Fit Bottomed Eats: www.fitbottomedeats.com
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Email us at podcast@fitbottomedgirls.com